Thursday, May 9, 2019

Trade up from Clover to Heartland Restaurant Point of Sale to split checks

Why do people continue to buy Clover POS from First Data? We continue to talk to restaurants that use Clover that can't split checks and leave the table open. Yes that is right,  you can split a check on Clover however then you have to pay off every check on that table. You can't pay off just one check and leave others open. This is a huge flaw and it has been that way for a long time.

With Digital Dining or Heartland Restaurant POS you can split a check, pay off (close) as many checks on that table as you want while leaving the others open. This happens all the time with large parties. Let's say you have a large group of friends watching the big game, all running seperate checks. Now one of them has to go at half time. No problem right, split the check and pay his portion off and leave the rest open right. Easy Pezzy right..... NOT WITH CLOVER. With Clover it is Pay them all or none!

Don't get suckered into a long lease with Clover just to find out the features are not there but you're trapped for years! Just say no to Clover and get a real system. Visit us at Heartland Restaurant POS or call us at 800-863-2274