Friday, October 18, 2019

Staffing is a serious issue for Seattle Restaurants right now

short staff is hurting Seattle restaurants

Could a POS system help you during staff shortages?

Restaurants in Seattle and Tacoma are facing staff shortages as well as higher labor cost. This issue can be seen as a catch 22 of course. Part of this issue is brought on by a strong robust economy which results in full employment. certainly a better issue than one we were all facing  a decade ago when 100 people showed up for every open position and underemployment put a damper on restaurant spending. A quick glance around at the news and industry publications report many different ways restaurants are combating and winning this battle. Select a modern POS system that can put another arrow in your quiver. A POS system can help you with some labor issues.

How could a POS system help me with labor issues?

Well it depends on your concept of course but in many businesses it can make a huge impact. For the fast casual or restaurant that does a great amount of carryout or perhaps wants to grow that space online ordering hits the target. We have all been there right, we order lunch over the phone and go to collect it. We are waiting to pay for and leave with our order because the restaurant's staff is taking phone orders while trying to serve customers in from of them. Get that person off the phone and collecting for and handing out orders. Part of it is educating guest that you offer online assuming you do. If you don't why don't you? It is no longer an expensive mystery to do so. Heartland Restaurant POS includes an online ordering portal. It is not another product you are having to integrate with it's native in the system. Your staff will be happier too when they aren't attached to the phone any longer! Plus the order is already been paid for so you are not getting stiffed. Another benefit is the server does not have to handle payment, it's already done!

Deploy Kiosk in your restaurant to do more with less

This solves several problems. The first one is cashiers/servers will be serving food not ringing up items, second guest hate waiting in line. I'll use myself as an example. You know it's true we all enjoy the guilty pleasure of the Costco food court right? Well the last few years the lines are out of control and I skip right on buy them. Then something magical happens overnight! They installed Kiosk in the Seattle-Tacoma area Costco I shop at. This cleared the lines and put more people to work serving orders not taking orders. This example also proves the point Kiosk are not for everyone, because they clearly are not. At this same Costco they kept two register lines for people  to stand in if they don't use the Kiosk. I'm shocked every time I go in that they are still a mile long. It's not because people aren't engaging with the Kiosk because they are. So for people that use technology it's good, for people that don't they don't have too! 

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